Gauge Invariant Quark Propagator in the Instanton Background

Author: Marcus Hutter
Comments: 15 latex pages, 1 figure, macros: epsf.sty
Reference: Technical Report LMU-95-03, hep-ph/9502361

Abstract: After a general discussion on the choice of gauge, we compare the quark propagator in the background of one instanton in regular and singular gauge with a gauge invariant propagator obtained by inserting a path-ordered gluon exponential. Using a gauge motivated by this analysis, we were able to obtain a finite result for the quark condensate without introducing an infrared cutoff nor invoking some instanton model.

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BibTeX Entry

  author =       "M. Hutter",
  number =       "LMU-95-03",
  institution =  "Theoretische Physik, LMU Muenchen",
  title =        "Gauge Invariant Quark Propagator in the Instanton Background",
  year =         "1995",
  pages =        "1--15",
  url =          "",
  url2 =         "",
  abstract =     "After a general discussion on the choice of gauge, we compare
                  the quark propagator in the background of one instanton in
                  regular and singular gauge with a gauge invariant propagator
                  obtained by inserting a path-ordered gluon exponential.
                  Using a gauge motivated by this analysis, we were able to
                  obtain a finite result for the quark condensate without
                  introducing an infrared cutoff nor invoking some instanton